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Your Information &, how we interact with it.

This privacy policy covers the things you need to know about how we work with data.

This website is operated and owned by Fascia Rite Roofing Ltd (06838652) trading as Fascia Rite Roofing, collectively referred to as “we” “us” “our”. Our registered address is 7b Queens Road Design Centre, 54-58 Queens Road, Doncaster, England, DN1 2NH.

Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event that you are not completely satisfied with our service, please tell us by contacting John Broadway on 01609 711066 or use the postal address set out above.

We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible and aim to reply within 7 days with a resolution.

You should also view in conjunction with our Terms & Conditions.

Persons under the age of 18

If you are under the age of 18, do not send any personal data.. We do not knowingly share the Personal Data of children or minors.

Non Personally Identifying data.

Data which does not carry any personally identifying details (such as your IP address) can also be collected when you visit our website by things known as cookies – there is more about cookies further on in this privacy policy.

  • been provided to you, we may want to get in touch again to ascertain how you rated our services and that of the installers who quoted. This will help us to understand our customer service levels as we work towards continually improving them.

What information we collect.

Whilst our company doesn’t collect any of your information, if you use our services via this website to request comparison quotations then your information will go straight to a third party company. This information is the very least that is necessary for you to carry out that task.

The only personal information we ask for is:

  1. Your name.
  2. Your telephone contact number.
  3. An email address.
  4. Your Address & Post Code.
  5. What type of product quote you are interested in.

The quote request form will also collect your current IP address (at the time you sent the form) and the time and date that you sent that form.

An IP address is a number that’s automatically assigned to your device (computer) when you are online. Web servers automatically identify your computer by its IP address. The currently assigned IP address can disclose the location of your device

 What are your rights

You have a number of rights within the GDPR with regard to your personal information. The following are those which apply to the personal data that we collect:

  • INFORMATION:You have the right to be informed. In this case it means you are entitled to know what happens to your personal information.
  • ACCESS:You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you. If you wish to know this information, use the contact form on this page and we will provide it to you within a reasonable amount of time. There are no charges for this service.
  • RECTIFICATION:In the event that any information we have about you is incomplete or incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or completed (rectified).
  • ERASURE: You have the right to have your data erased. If you request us to delete your data, we will comply and fully delete any personal information we hold about you without any undue delay. This right can sometimes be known as “the right to be forgotten”.
  • PROCESSING:Rather than requesting us to delete your information, you have the right to ask us to restrict (cease & desist) the processing of your data.
  • OBJECTION:You have the right to object. This means that you can raise an objection to our processing of your personal information if you don’t think it is in your best interests. Should you raise an objection, we will immediately cease & desist processing your information.
  • PORTABILITY:You have the right to portability, which means in the event you make a request under the GDPR for your personal data that we hold, then we will provide it to you in a commonly used, machine readable form (typically, that would mean we are replying via a letter or e-mail).
  • BREACH NOTIFICATION:– if in the unlikely event there occurs a breach of security which is likely to result in a high risk to your rights as a data subject, we must inform you without undue delay.
  • COMPLAINT:You have the right to lodge any complaint with a supervisory or regulatory authority if you so desire.

For any of the above rights, if you would like to get in touch with us, please use the contact form on this page or via the other contact details below.

Other important things to be aware of.

Sending your personal information over the internet.

Your information is held on servers hosted by Internet Services Providers. Whilst they take every reasonable precaution to protect the data of their clients, the nature of the internet is such that we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you send to us via the internet.

As such, we cannot be responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of such personal information.

Website HTTPS encryption.

The ‘S’ at the end of HTTPS stands for ‘Secure’. It means all communications between your browser and an HTTPS website are encrypted.


A website may sometimes make use of cookies especially if an analytics program is being used, such as Google Analytics, to monitor visitor behaviour & site usage; Presently this is not the case with this website.

What are cookies?

They are small files stored on your computer when you visit a website, ours won’t store personally identifiable information about you, but will remember you if you come back and let us know what pages you were interested in.

If you want to, you can restrict or block cookies for our sites using your web browser settings, but that might reduce some functionality for the site.

Disabling Cookies on a Browser.

You will have to alter your browser privacy settings and that will depend on which browser you are using – here are the most popular browsers instruction pages.

Explorer – Firefox – Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Cookies, (you can disable or decline them on your browser) could collect data from you, or where we analyse visitor statistics we could identify information such as your IP address, but mainly it’s not too personal and just boring statistics and we use them to try to improve the website performance and your experience as a visitor.

Links to other websites

You may find links to external websites, advertisement, banners or RSS feeds on our website from time to time.

Clicking on these links will take you away from this website to another website that will have their own privacy policy. Their privacy policy & practices can be totally different to ours.

It will be your own responsibility to check their privacy policy.

We accept no responsibility for, and have no control over, third party websites, links, adverts or RSS feeds or information that is submitted or collected by third parties.

Future changes to our Privacy Policy

If we make any changes to our privacy policy in the future, they will be included on this page and easily identified so that you will be fully informed about what information we collect and how it is processed or disclosed.

If, at any point, we change the way we use your personal information to a significant degree from that which is outlined in this privacy policy, we will send you a notification to the last email address know for you.

You can then decide if you wish us to use your personal information in the new way and let us know accordingly.